Two New Ovals for Gosnells!

Two New Ovals for Gosnells! Main Image
Two new ovals for Gosnells!
I’m happy to announce more funding of $138K to the Council to build two new ovals in Gosnells (on the existing vacant scrub next to Southern River College).
If you are a parent of a young person and your current playing field is at capacity this is good news for your family because the potential capacity of all local sports will be increased by the addition of these two new ovals.
The WA Govt will directly and fully fund Stage 2 – the construction of the production bore, costed at $138,000. I want to acknowledge the Council will also significantly contribute to these two new ovals.
This will be the next big infrastructure project for Gosnells. When completed, it is planned that these two new ovals are open and available to the community, and this will mean more playing fields for young people every weekend and every weeknight.
I think this is another great example of how well we work together between local and WA State governments and I'm very happy to have played a part in confirming Stage 2 so that the Council can now continue with the project.
Please show your support for this project using the form on the right!